On Monday, January 18, 2016, Brothers Edward Andrews, Wayne Hartley, Kamau Hull, Quincy Wilkins, Arthur Hinton, Jr. and visiting Bro. Gregory Binns, participated in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service sponsored by Keep Athens-Clarke County Beautiful. The Brothers donated food to the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia and worked on a flower bed beautification project around the East Athens Community Center. Over 1200 flowers and 250 bulbs were planted. Bro. Hull serves as a member of the MLK Day of Service Steering Committee.
Zeta Beta Beta held the Chapter's 2016 Talent Hunt at The Chapel on the campus of the University of Georgia on Saturday, August 27. Contestants participated in the categories of dance, instrumental music, and singing.
Mr. Josiah Meadows, classical violinist, was chosen to represent Zeta Beta Beta at the Georgia State Meeting on October 7, 2016.
What Can Be Done to Assure That American Citizens Do Not Lose Their Voting Rights and That They Regain Any Rights
That Have Been Lost in Recent Legislative Changes
Quinton Daniel Elder
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity International High School Essay Contest
Zeta Beta Beta Chapter
Athens-Gainesville, Georgia
Hillary Clinton stated, “Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process.” The signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 signified the enactment of American voting. However, the right to vote was really only given to property owning white males. Over 100 years later, the right to vote was granted to all male American citizens through the passage of the 15th Amendment. Although the 15th Amendment guaranteed African American males, in particular, the right to vote, many states imposed poll taxes, literacy tests, or grandfather clauses to prevent this right. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted to prevent discrimination, which included voting; however, when many tried to vote, they were killed or deterred from voting. Leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Congressman John Lewis, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, and others decided it was time to peacefully take back our right to vote. August 6, 1965, after many marched and died to “ensure the integrity of our voting process,” President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law. 50 years later we are still debating the Voting Rights Act of 1965. We ask the question, “What can be done to assure that American citizens do not lose their voting rights and that they regain any rights that have been lost in recent legislative change?” The answer is simple, Americans need to vote and elect officials willing to fight for the removal of disenfranchisement of voters and strengthening of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In September 2013, the United States Supreme Court stated that states have the right to change their laws on voting without federal approval. Due to this addition, many states continuously disenfranchise nearly four million felons; including, inmates, ex-felons, probationers, and parolees. Out of 50 states, only two allow felons to vote. However, since the start of disenfranchisement over 200 years ago, it has unfortunately continued to be a deterrent of minority votes but mainly that of African American males. African American males make up 35% of those who aren’t allowed to vote due to a felony conviction. These results are heart wrenching, as they are continuing to increase. It is the belief of many Americans that once a person has served their sentence, then they should have the right to vote again. Despite the outcry, nothing is taking place to ensure that the right to vote is given proportionally and not skewed to one demographic and race. Consequently, we have the moral duty as citizens of America to elect officials who hear the needs of everyone, as well as help lead protest in order to repeal these laws. Also, it would help if the almost 51 million people who are eligible to vote, would register and vote.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965, has been one of the most significant acts passed in respect to voting rights, and in America as a whole. Before the Voting Rights Act, African Americans were deterred from voting through discriminatory test. However, in recent years, a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was deleted by Congress. Just this year, Sen. Patrick Leahy tried to propose a legislative measure that would require federal approval of state passing laws that were historically associated with discrimination. Additionally, it is imperative that congress approves the extension of the Voting Rights Act, as well as amend it to make it stronger. If it does not happen, states will continue to indirectly cease voting from minority groups. Once again, it is evident by congress’ reaction that Americans need to elect officials who have their best interest and hope for the enfranchisement of all American citizens.
Although the right to vote, for many, has become more fair, there is still a long way to go. Disenfranchisement is a major problem that can be fixed through the voice of elected officials and protesting. Collectively as citizens, it is our responsibility to be the voice of those who have no voice. Additionally, making the Voting Rights Act of 1965 stronger will also help ensure that American citizens do not lose their voting rights.
Mr. Josiah Meadows, winner of the Zeta Beta Beta Talent Hunt participated in the Georgia State Talent Hunt on 7 October 2016 in Macon, GA and placed 3rd in a field to 20 talented participants.